UltraBooks Error 3160
UltraBooks Error 3160 (cannot delete a particular object)
If UltraBooks is trying to import a sales receipt, for example number 6387, and receives the following error:
Add Sales Receipt Error 3160: Cannot delete the object specified by the id = "B9D9-1285186506". QuickBooks error message: Did not delete this transaction. This transaction had deposited payments.
This error means that UltraBooks is attempting to import sales receipt 6387 but because it already exists in QuickBooks it cannot complete the import. Whenever UltraBooks sees an existing sales receipt with the same number it assumes you are trying to import it again. Therefore, QuickBooks attempts to delete the existing one before importing. The deletion is failing because sales receipt 6387 has a deposit against it, hence, the error message.
What typically occurred is that someone entered a sales receipt manually which caused a collision in the numbering sequence. When manually entering sales receipts we would recommend changing the number in QuickBooks to something in the 100000 range. That will prevent the automatically imported web orders from colliding with the manually entered ones.
To resolve the above example you would need to bring up sales receipts 6387 and change it to something higher. Once you have changed it, the import should work fine.