


Segments are fully dynamic groupings of customers based the historical actions and properties. Segments support multiple rules with AND/OR logic operations to allow for complex segmentation. Time based filtering can be used to look at historical actions within a specific period.

An example of a populate segment would be “Customers That Have Purchased From You ”.

Building a Segment

Navigation to Lists & Segments under StoreFront Communications and then click the New List or Segment button.

Next click on the new segment button as shown below.

Give the segment a name and then continue on to configure filters. Filters will be discussed in more depth below. Once complete click the Create Segment button.

Segment Filters

There are a number of filters that you can apply to customers to segment them. The table below describes all of the available filters.







What someone has done or not done

Started checkout
Started checkout value
Return cart
Return cart value
Ordered product
Ordered product value
Placed order
Placed order value
Fulfilled order
Fulfilled order value
Subscribed to List
Unsubscribed from List
Clicked Email
Delivered Email
Opened Email
Marked Email as Spam

This filter is one of the most popular filters to use. The filter allows you to look at the activity of the customer within the given time period.

If someone is or is not in a list

is in <list>
is not in <list>

Checks the customers list membership.

Loyalty point balance

is more than <number>
is less than <number>
is between <number> and <number>

Checks the loyalty points that the customer has earned. Useful to remind the customer that hasn’t purchased in a while that they have loyalty points to redeem.

Tags on someone

is tagged with <value>
is not tagged with <value>

Checks if the tags on the customer profile.

Properties about someone

text properties
doesn’t equal
doesn’t contain
is in
is not in
starts with
doesn’t start with
end’s with
doesn’t end with
is set
is not set
number properties
doesn’t equal
is at least
is more than
is less than
is at most
date properties
is in the last
is at least
is at most
is in between
is in the next
is before
is after
is today
is in this month
is in the month of
boolean properties
is true
is false

Comparison operators to properties set on the customer profile. Each of the four different types of properties have their own comparison options.

If someone is or is not within the EU

is in
is not in


Someone’s proximity to a location

is within
is not within

Determines if the customer is within a certain proximity to a given location. Useful to targeting customers within reasonable travel distance of an in person event.

Analytics about someone

Average order value
Average days between orders
Historical customer lifetime value
Historical number of orders

Overall analytic metrics about the customer.

Multiple Filters with Boolean Logic

After you have established your first filter, you can add additional filters by clicking either the OR or AND buttons as shown below.

Integration with Facebook custom audiences

If you have the Facebook Analytics application connected to your StoreFront, a custom audience based upon this segment can be created within Facebook. To connect the Facebook Analytics application, please contact UltraCart Support for an invite to the application and then connect under Privacy & Tracking → Other.

The ability to create a custom audience within Facebook based upon a dynamically changing segment is incredibly power. Telling Facebook what constitutes a great customer allows them to find you “look alike” audiences to attract new customers that have similar characteristics.

Ranking to optimize for top portion of the customers

After you have setup filters to find a segment of customers, you can further refine the membership within the segment by ranking the customers based upon another metric. After you select the “Optimize the resulting segment” option, you can keep a certain number or percentage of the customers based upon a variety of metrics within a particular time period.

Ranking is especially powerful when creating a segment to populate a Facebook custom audience. You have the ability to select the top 25% of your customers that purchased within the last year based upon their total order value. As Facebook finds you more customers of this quality, your average customer value would increase over time and the segment would dynamically adjust to include only the cream of the crop.

Tutorial Video: Building A Segment For New Customers

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