


A flow is a communication sequence that is triggered by an event for an individual customer. Once triggered the flow will move through the defined sequence of steps to market to the customer. In the past the industry has referred to this type of marketing as “auto responders”.

Creating a Flow

Navigate to the Flows sub-menu under Communications and click on New Flow as shown below.

The new flow dialog will appear as shown below.

Choose to create a new flow from scratch or choose a built in flow from the Public Library.

For a new flow you’ll be presented with the following form:

A description of all of the fields in the Flow Editor







Flow Name


This is the name of the flow. Please note that this will appear in the UTM parameters so make sure it is appropriate for customers to see.

What will trigger this flow?

Order - When an order has shipped
Order - When someone creates an order
Order - When a payment fails to process
Order - When a payment successfully processes
Order - When someone purchases a product
Order - When someone has reviewed an item
Order - When someone has not reviewed an item
Order - When someone has not reviewed an item
Order - When an order is out for delivery
Order - When an order is delivered
Order - When an expected delivery date becomes available or changes
Auto Order - When someone subscribes to an auto order
Auto Order - When an auto order has a pre-shipment notice
Auto Order - When an auto order is cancelled
Auto Order - When an auto order is paused
Auto Order - When an auto order is resumed
Auto Order - When an auto order is disabled
Cart - When someone abandons a cart
Cart - When someone's software will expire in one month
Cart - Auto order disable recovery
Cart - When an item comes back in stock
Cart - When an item should be replenished
Cart - When someone opts-in for marketing
Customer - Wholesale Signup
Customer - Wholesale Approval
Customer - Shared Coupon
Customer - Monthly store credit statement
Customer - When someone uses store credit
List - When someone is added to a list
List - When someone is removed from a list
Segment - When someone is added to a segment
Segment - When someone is removed from a segment

The triggering event that will kick off this flow. If the first part of the trigger contains “Order” or “Cart” then it means that the marketing campaign will have access to either an Order or Cart object associated with the enrollment into the flow.

From Friendly Name


The name associated with the email address being used. This will appear in the customer’s email client so “<Name> as <Company>” is a great way to personalize this.

Which address should emails send from?


The email address to send from. The domain portion has to be one of your validated sending domains.

Allow Concurrent Enrollment


By default a customer can be enrolled in the flow multiple times concurrently. If that behavior is undesirable, uncheck the box.

Customer Filter

Someone’s Cart
Someone’s Order
What someone has done or not done
Someone’s auto orders
If someone is or is not in a list
If someone is or is not in a segment
Loyalty cashback expiring soon (i.e. “expiring within the month”)
Loyalty point balance
Tags on someone
AtData (formerly TowerData) about someone
Properties about someone
If someone has opted in to SMS messages
If someone is or is not within the EU (GDPR)
If someone is in BigQuery
Someone’s proximity to a location
Analytics about someone
Pricing tiers assigned to someone

Allows for further filtering of the customers that enter the flow. This is similar to the segment filtering. Since flows are often associated with Orders or Carts, filtering based upon Someone’s Cart or Someone’s Order is very common.

After clicking the Create flow button, the empty flow will appear on the screen. You can begin adding steps to your flow by clicking the plus button.

At this point all of the steps, statistics, etc. are the same between flows and campaigns.



When you are ready to activate your flow, click the Review and Activate button as shown below.

Previous (Segments) - Next (Campaigns)


Smart Send

Related Documentation

Flows Public Library




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