Campaigns (StoreFront Communications)

Campaigns (StoreFront Communications)


A campaign is a communication sequence sent to a large collection of customers at one time. A campaign can be sent to one or more lists or segments.

Creating a Campaign

Navigate to the Campaigns sub-menu under Communications and click on New Campaign as shown below.

The new campaign dialog will appear as shown below.

Give the campaign a name. If you would like you can schedule the campaign to send at a particular date and time (optional). Adjust the address information for the campaign if you want to use something other than your default marketing email address.

Finally select the lists and segments. By default all the lists + segments are included into one big customer pool. Optionally you can select to exclude customers that are on a particular list or segment.

At this point all the steps, statistics, etc. are the same between flows and campaigns.


When you are ready to send your campaign, click the View and Send button as shown below.

Previous (Flows) - Next (Steps)


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