Add Folder, Kit, Item

Add Folder, Kit, Item

Adding a Folder

Folders are used to help organize your products. To add a new folder simply hover over the "ADD +" icon in the top right hand corner, slide to the Pop-Out box and click "Add Folder".



At the next screen enter a name for the folder. The Folder Name can be anything you choose. Its a great way to separate items into smaller categories for ease maintaining them.

Adding a Kit item

Kits are used to bundle products together. To create a new kit item simply hover over the "ADD +" icon in the top right hand corner and slide to the Pop-Out box and click "Add Kit". 


You'll arrived at the kit item editor to populate the fields and add the kit components (items).

Adding an Item

Items are created to sell your products,. To create a new item simply hover over the "ADD +" icon in the top right hand corner and slide to the Pop-Out box and click "Add Item". 


This will then take you to the item editor to create a new Item.  Click Save when finished.