Python SDK Sample: Fulfillment
Python SDK Sample: Fulfillment
# retrieve an auto order import ultracart from ultracart.rest import ApiException from ultracart import ApiClient, FulfillmentShipment, FulfillmentInventory from pprint import pprint import datetime from datetime import timedelta, timezone config = ultracart.Configuration() # this key is valid only in the UltraCart development system. You need to supply a valid simple key here. config.api_key['x-ultracart-simple-key'] \ = '4256aaf6dfedfa01582fe9a961ab0100216d737b874a4801582fe9a961ab0100' config.debug = True config.verify_ssl = True # Development only. Set to True for production. api_client = ApiClient(configuration=config, header_name='X-UltraCart-Api-Version', header_value='2017-03-01') fulfillment_api = ultracart.FulfillmentApi(api_client) distribution_center_code = 'DFLT' # ========================================================================== # this method is solely in case there are no unacknowledged orders in the system # so that the third illustration has an order to operate on. this method would # not be part of any production system. def find_any_order(): order_api = ultracart.OrderApi(api_client) # to find any order, just submit a really old creation date begin. # for this example, we'll use three year ago. three_years = timedelta(days=365 * 3) some_really_early_date = datetime.datetime.now(timezone.utc) - three_years creation_date_begin = some_really_early_date.replace(microsecond=0).isoformat() orders_response = order_api.get_orders(creation_date_begin=creation_date_begin) orders = orders_response.orders # let's hope there's at least one order in the system. return orders[0] # ========================================================================== # This example contains the four main lifecycle events for a fulfillment center. # 1) get orders, 2) acknowledge you've gotten the order, 3) acknowledge you've shipped it, 4) update inventory # ideally each block would contain its own try/catch error handling, as well as testing call responses for success # and empty/no data i.e. there is nothing to ship, etc. try: # ========================================================================== # STEP 1: GET ORDERS NEEDING SHIPPING # Best practice: Use a webhook instead of polling getOrders here. That will provide instant response. # This call does take an expand parameter like many other getXXX calls. The orders are returned with maximum # expansion by default. So all that's needed is the dc code. unacknowledged_orders_response = fulfillment_api.get_distribution_center_orders(distribution_center_code) # TODO test for unacknowledged_orders_response.success boolean and take appropriate steps. unacknowledged_orders = unacknowledged_orders_response.orders # ========================================================================== # STEP 2: ACKNOWLEDGE YOU HAVE RECEIVED ORDERS # store the unacknowledged orders off somewhere for processing. (not shown here) # then, acknowledge that you've received them. # if you have more than 100 orders to acknowledge, send them in batches. limit is 100. acknowledged_order_ids = [] for order in unacknowledged_orders: print(order.order_id) acknowledged_order_ids.append(order.order_id) # just in case there isn't any test data, add some. in production, this if-then block would decide whether or # not to make the API call at all. if len(acknowledged_order_ids) == 0: acknowledged_order_ids.append('DEMO-123456789') # TODO process these orders in your system before acknowledging them... fulfillment_api.acknowledge_orders(distribution_center_code, acknowledged_order_ids) # ========================================================================== # STEP 3: SHIP ORDERS # Grab the first order. This is just an example. In a real situation, this block would be called # for each order after you have shipped it. if len(unacknowledged_orders) > 0: first_order = unacknowledged_orders[0] # this will obviously fail if there are none... else: first_order = find_any_order() # create one or more shipment objects fulfillment_shipment = FulfillmentShipment() fulfillment_shipment.order_id = first_order.order_id fulfillment_shipment.tracking_numbers = ['TrackingNo12345', 'TrackingNo67890'] # these will come from your shipping software. shipments = [] shipments.append(fulfillment_shipment) # just a single shipment this time fulfillment_api.ship_orders(distribution_center_code, shipments) # ========================================================================== # STEP 4: UPDATE INVENTORIES AS NEEDED # update inventories as needed. first_inventory = FulfillmentInventory() first_inventory.item_id = 'BONE' first_inventory.quantity = 2500 second_inventory = FulfillmentInventory() second_inventory.item_id = 'BONE' second_inventory.quantity = 2500 inventory_updates = [first_inventory, second_inventory] # limit is 500 inventory updates at a time. batch them if you're going large. fulfillment_api.update_inventory(distribution_center_code, inventory_updates) pprint(unacknowledged_orders_response) pprint(unacknowledged_orders) print('Finished.') except ApiException as e: print("Exception when calling Fulfillment API calls: %s\n" % e)
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