Python SDK Sample: Get all items

Python SDK Sample: Get all items

# retrieve all items using chunking if necessary
import ultracart
from ultracart.rest import ApiException
from ultracart import ApiClient
from pprint import pprint
import time

config = ultracart.Configuration()
# this key is valid only in the UltraCart development system.  You need to supply a valid simple key here.
config.api_key['x-ultracart-simple-key'] \
    = '4256aaf6dfedfa01582fe9a961ab0100216d737b874a4801582fe9a961ab0100'
config.debug = True
config.verify_ssl = True  # Development only.  Set to True for production.

api_client = ApiClient(configuration=config, header_name='X-UltraCart-Api-Version', header_value='2017-03-01')
api_instance = ultracart.ItemApi(api_client)

# The item expansion is huge.  Only use what you need.
# see https://www.ultracart.com/api/#resource_item.html
# see https://www.ultracart.com/api/#Topic3
expand = 'auto_order,auto_order_steps,checkout,kit_definition,options,physical,pricing,' \

def get_items_chunk(offset=0, limit=200):
    items_response = api_instance.get_items(offset=offset, limit=limit)
    if items_response.success:
        return items_response.items
    # if unsuccessful, return empty array
    return []

items = []

    iteration = 1
    offset = 0
    limit = 200
    need_more_records = True

    while need_more_records:
        print("executing iteration " + str(iteration))
        block_of_items = get_items_chunk(offset, limit)
        offset = offset + limit
        need_more_records = len(block_of_items) == limit
        time.sleep(3)  # pace your calls or the rate limiter was slam down on your script.


except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling ItemApi->get_items: %s\n" % e)

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