No deserializer for CartItemMultimedia - SOAP Checkout API Errors

[15-Jun-2011 10:08:36] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught SoapFault exception: [soapenv:Server.userException] org.xml.sax.SAXException: No deserializer for {http://}CartItemMultimedia

Commonly caused by this code:

$cartItems = $client->getItems($merchantId, $itemIds);
$response = $client->updateItems($merchantId, $cart, $cartItems);

getItems() returns back Item objects.
updateItems() wants CartItem objects.

Item and CartItem are very different objects, and SOAP is very particular. With a typeless language like PHP, the difference isn't detectable form a cursory glance. With a language like Java, a compile-time error would result.

Please see: CartItem and Item to understand the why UltraCart provides two different objects.

The Cart object (returned from getCart()) contains an array of items in the cart. Use that property if you wish to get a list of items to pass to updateItems(), or just construct your own object.