C# SDK Sample: Update auto order item options
C# SDK Sample: Update auto order item options
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using com.ultracart.admin.v2.Api; using com.ultracart.admin.v2.Client; using com.ultracart.admin.v2.Model; using NUnit.Framework; namespace SDKSample { [TestFixture] public class QueryAutoOrderWithItemOptionsTest { [Test] public void QueryAutoOrderAndDisplayItemOptions() { // See https://secure.ultracart.com/merchant/configuration/apiManagementApp.do const string simpleKey = "508052342b482a015d85c69048030a0005a9da7cea5afe015d85c69048030a00"; Configuration.Default.ApiKey.Add("x-ultracart-simple-key", simpleKey); Configuration.Default.DefaultHeader.Add("X-UltraCart-Api-Version", "2017-03-01"); var api = new AutoorderApi(); const int autoOrderOid = 3268342; const string expansion = "items"; var autoOrderResponse = api.GetAutoOrder(autoOrderOid, expansion); var autoOrder = autoOrderResponse.AutoOrder; var items = autoOrder.Items; // add some options to each item. for this sample, we'll just make some up. var i = 0; foreach (var item in items) { item.Options = new List<AutoOrderItemOption>() { new AutoOrderItemOption(){Label = "Label" + i, Value = "Value" + i}, new AutoOrderItemOption(){Label = "AnotherLabel" + i, Value = "AnotherValue" + i}, new AutoOrderItemOption(){Label = "ThirdLabel" + i, Value = "ThirdValue" + i} }; i++; } autoOrderResponse = api.UpdateAutoOrder(autoOrder, autoOrderOid, expansion); autoOrder = autoOrderResponse.AutoOrder; foreach (var item in autoOrder.Items) { foreach (var option in item.Options) { Console.WriteLine($"{item.OriginalItemId}: Label:{option.Label} => Value: {option.Value}"); } } } } }
, multiple selections available,
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