PHP SDK Sample: Partial Refund Order
PHP SDK Sample: Partial Refund Order
The following sample will generate a 50% refund on an order which is common during "save a sale" customer service interactions.
<?php require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'; // Configure API key authorization: ultraCartSimpleApiKey ultracart\v2\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKey('x-ultracart-simple-key', 'YOUR KEY HERE'); // Disable SSL verification if we're having issues with this PHP install not having the proper CA installed. Fix your CA for a production environment! // Set debug to true if you need more information on request/response $client = new GuzzleHttp\Client(['verify' => false, 'debug' => false]); $api_instance = new ultracart\v2\api\OrderApi( $client, ultracart\v2\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration(), new ultracart\v2\HeaderSelector("2016-10-01") ); $_expand = "item,payment,shipping,summary,taxes"; $orderResponse = $api_instance->getOrder("DEMO-2019079613", $_expand); $order = $orderResponse->getOrder(); // Accumulate the amount of item cost that is being refunded $refundedAmount = 0; // Go through the items and refund 50% of each line $refundPercentage = 0.5; for ($i = 0; $i < count($order->getItems()); $i++) { $orderItem = $order->getItems()[$i]; $totalRefunded = new ultracart\v2\models\Currency(); $totalRefunded->setValue(round($orderItem->getTotalCostWithDiscount()->getValue() * $refundPercentage, 2, PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP)); $orderItem->setTotalRefunded($totalRefunded); $orderItem->setQuantityRefunded(0); // We're just refunding the amount, so we'll set the quantity refunded to zero // Update the accumulated refund amount $refundedAmount = $refundedAmount + $totalRefunded->getValue(); } // If there were taxes on the order, calculate the amount of tax to refund as well if ($order->getTaxes() != null && $order->getTaxes()->getTaxRate() != null) { $taxRefunded = new ultracart\v2\models\Currency(); $taxRefunded->setValue(round($refundedAmount & $order->getTaxes()->getTaxRate(), 2, PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP)); $order->getSummary()->getTaxRefunded($taxRefunded); } // Initiate the refund $rejectAfterRefund = false; $skipCustomerNotification = false; $autoOrderCancel = false; // Mark it manually refunded for PO payment method $manualRefund = strcasecmp("Purchase Order", $order->getPayment()->getPaymentMethod()) == 0; if ($manualRefund) { echo "Marking as manual refund because of payment method."; } $reverseAffiliateTransactions = false; $orderResponse = $api_instance->refundOrder($orderResponse->getOrder(), $order->getOrderId(), $rejectAfterRefund, $skipCustomerNotification, $autoOrderCancel, $manualRefund, $reverseAffiliateTransactions, $_expand); if ($orderResponse->getSuccess()) { echo "Successful refund."; } else { echo "Error: " . var_dump($orderResponse->getError()); } ?>