StoreFront Screen Interfaces
StoreFront Screen Interfaces
The StoreFront system screens are divided into three areas: 1) checkout, 2) affiliate management, and 3) MyAccount customer portal. Each theme will additionally have numerous templates for the store catalog, but those templates do not have a $form
variable. They are not included or mentioned here.
Checkout Templates
Collecting Information
Payment Finalization
Affiliate Management Templates
- affiliate_login.vm
- affiliate_partner_additional_terms.vm
- affiliate_partner_edit_link.vm
- affiliate_partner_edit_managed_link.vm
- affiliate_partner_email_templates.vm
- affiliate_partner_index.vm
- affiliate_partner_ledger.vm
- affiliate_partner_login.vm
- affiliate_partner_logout.vm
- affiliate_partner_lost_password.vm
- affiliate_partner_manage_links.vm
- affiliate_partner_payment.vm
- affiliate_partner_recruiting_link.vm
- affiliate_partner_reports.vm
- affiliate_partner_select_managed_link.vm
- affiliate_partner_update_information.vm
- affiliate_partner_updated_terms.vm
- affiliate_partner_view_link.vm
- affiliate_signup.vm
- affiliate_signup_success.vm
Customer Management templates
MyAccount Customer Portal
- myaccount_address.vm
- myaccount_billing.vm
- myaccount_index.vm
- myaccount_order_detail.vm
- myaccount_orders.vm
- myaccount_password.vm
- myaccount_payment.vm
- myaccount_payments.vm
- myaccount_reviews.vm
- myaccount_settings.vm
- myaccount_shipping.vm
- myaccount_wishlist.vm
Product Review
Wholesale Signup
Auto Order Management
These templates render the pages that customers visit via emailed links to either cancel their automatic re-orders or update their payment information.
Legacy, Rare, or Reserved templates
- account_change_password.vm - legacy script, replaced by MyAccount Customer Portal (above), but remains to avoid breaking existing old web sites.
- account_change_password_confirm.vm - legacy script, replaced by MyAccount Customer Portal (above), but remains to avoid breaking existing old web sites.
- account_login.vm - legacy script, replaced by MyAccount Customer Portal (above), but remains to avoid breaking existing old web sites.
- cardinal_commerce_handoff.vm - rarely used script by a few merchants to faciliate a verified by VISA transaction. safe to ignore
- user_error.vm - displays a custom error message (supplied by server) to the end user (customer). only used in rare exceptions during digital downloads. reserved for expanded future use.
- wishlist_login.vm - legacy script, replaced by MyAccount Customer Portal (above), but remains to avoid breaking existing old web sites.
Commonly used snippets of code