Configuring FTP Transmission Mechanism

Configuring FTP Transmission Mechanism

Configuring FTP Transmission Mechanism

The FTP transmission mechanism is a generic fulfillment center integration that allows you to define the file format that is sent to the virtual FTP server. Your fulfillment company can then fetch the file and import orders into their warehouse management system. The FTP transmission mechanism also supports receiving back tracking and inventory files from the fulfillment house.

Export Mapping

The first step is to configure the export mapping that will be used to generate the order file. Click the following as shown below.

Main Menu → Configuration → (middle menu) BackOffice →Export Orders

Now click the new button as shown below.

Give the export mapping a name such as "Shipping Department", select the file type, and then configure the columns of data that should be in the file as shown below.

Import note for UltraCart merchants multiple accounts

Merchants that have multiple Ultracart accounts integrated to the same fulfillment center using the FTP integration.

Please be aware that that if you have multiple accounts the files being sent over from UltraCart for your pickup and processing will have the same file names. So you'll need to make sure to write your processing scripts to account for the fact that the send order files will have the same file name in order to ensure that in the situations where the files get created at the same time that one file does not overwrite the file from the other account.

Configuring the Transmission Mechanism

UltraCart calls all shipping/receiving/logistics companies Distribution Centers. So as you move forward with your setup just remember that every time you add a new company that handles shipping you will need to add a new Distribution Center. Instructions found here: Distribution Center

The next step is to configure the distribution center to use the transmission mechanism. Click the following:

Main Menu → Configuration → (middle menu) Checkout →Shipping → (middle menu) Distribution Centers

Scroll down to the Transmission Mechanism and select FTP as shown below then select the export mapping configured in the previous step. If you are going to send back inventory and tracking information select bi-directional.

Next scroll down to the FTP account section and configure the password for the virtual FTP server associated with this distribution center. This is the FTP information that you will provide to the fulfillment house.


Make sure to made this password a strong one: use a combination of letters (in upper and lower case), along with numbers and special characters (!@#$%^&). This is important because FTP servers are subjected to brute force attacks.

Scheduling Batch Processing for order pickup

You can configure orders for pickup, which is the recommendation. (If no schedule is configured, the orders will be placed into the Virtual FTP server individually as they are processed to the shipping stage.)

When creating the schedule, all times are based on Eastern time.

Bi-directional Support

About File Processing

The Fulfillment processing responsibilities are:

1) Pickup order files
2) Delete order files after processing them.
3) Deposit shipment/inventory files.
UltraCart will do this:
1) Deposit order files
2) Delete shipment/inventory files after processing them.

If you are going to send back inventory and tracking information then you must adhere to the following specification:

Shipment Confirmation File

Filename: *ship*.csv
Format: Comma Separated Values (CSV)
Headers: Order ID,Shipping Date - MM/DD/YYYY,Shipping Method,Tracking Number
Optional: Shipping date and shipping method can be left blank in the file, but all columns must exist..
Example: Download

Include a date/time in your filename to insure files are not overwritten on the FTP server such as shipYYYYMMDDHHMMSS.csv   We try to download files from the FTP using the wildcard mask of *ship*.csv.  The string ship and csv are case sensitive.  If you name your file Ship201408280842.CSV then we will not download the file.  The safest bet is to make everything in the filename lowercase.

Inventory File

Filename: *inv*.csv
Format: Comma Separated Values (CSV)
Headers: SKU,Quantity
Example: Download

Include a date/time in your filename to insure files are not overwritten on the FTP server such as invYYYYMMDDHHMMSS.csv   We try to download files from the FTP using the wildcard mask of *inv*.csv.  The string ship and csv are case sensitive.  If you name your file Inv201408280842.CSV then we will not download the file.  The safest bet is to make everything in the filename lowercase.

If you send back shipment confirmations once a day to UltraCart, then a single inventory file produced after those shipments will suffice. If you send back shipment confirmations throughout the day, then an hourly inventory file to reflect the ongoing changes at the warehouse is recommended.

Please see the attached templates for examples of the headers for the shipment and inventory files.

File will not process correctly if you fail to name them in a way that matches the wildcard masks or include the headers exactly as shown.

FTP Directory Handling

Please note that all files are exchanged in the root folder of the virtual FTP server.


The integration supports logging of the transmissions of the file. If you have issues with the processing of files make sure to check under:

Main Menu → Order Management → Shipping Department → Log

Alternatives to Batch Files via FTP

If you are comfortable with programming SOAP Web Services then you may want to consider the Distribution Center Transport API for creating a bi-directional integration with UltraCart.