Feed empty because no items assigned to catalog/StoreFront that are configured for Google Shopping.
This message will appear at the bottom of your googlebase.xml file when there is a problem generating your Google Product Search xml feed.
The feed is located at https://www.yourstorefront.com/feeds/googlebase.xml. → replace the host name with your actual StoreFront.
<feed xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" xmlns:g="http://base.google.com/ns/1.0"> <title>YourStoreFrontName Product Feed</title> <link rel="self" href="https://www.yourstorefront.com"/> <updated>2015-09-28T13:41:58Z</updated> <author> <name>YourStoreName</name> </author> <id>tag:www.yourstorefront.com,2012-05-17:/YourMerchantID/products</id> <!-- GPS-ERR-01 - Feed empty because no items assigned to catalog/StoreFront that are configured for Google Shopping. --> </feed>
- The fact that your xml file is generated and can be view means that you have turned on Google Product Search successfully.
- Verify that all of the products you desire to list have their Google fields completed. See this document: Google Product Search Tab.
- Once that is done, you must assign those products to your StoreFront catalog pages. Google must know where to direct customers, so configuring the items is not enough. Those items must be assigned to catalog pages so they have a web site url associated with them.
Assigning items to StoreFront pages
- Browse to your StoreFront editor on secure.ultracart.com. Home → StoreFronts → Pages.
- Make sure you have at least one catalog page created.
- Edit that page by clicking the pencil icon at the top of the page.
- The page must have a page template of
. - If that page template is set correctly, there will be an Items tab. Click on that tab.
- The item template must be chosen. Usually there is only one choice of
. - Use the assignment tools to assign items to the page. See Adding and removing products from a page for instructions.
- The page must have a page template of
- Once that is done, your google feed will generate a fully populated feed file.
The feed files generate daily in the early morning hours. So look for a correct file in the morning. No, there is no way to force this job to run early.
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