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This tutorial will help you to make the most out of the UltraCart Analytics platform. 

titleAnalytics Engine started collecting data in 2018

PLEASE NOTE: The analytics engine that drives the 'Statistics' dashboard, started collecting data in 2018. 
(Because it's an event based system, it can't go further back in time.)


The UltraCart Analytics platform strives to provide near real-time insight into the performance of your business with a level of insight that most reporting platforms do not achieve.  We've helped merchants with the struggle of gaining insight into their business from end-to-end for a long time.  In the end we've always come down to three problems with external reporting tools:


This new system works by gathering events as they occur and then reducing the information down into meaningful statistics.  Unfortunately that means that it has no look back capabilities beyond when the system began gathering data
title I've had my UltraCart account for a long time but statistics data only goes back a month or so?
to 2018?

The analytics engine that drivers that dashboard started collecting data in 2018.  Because it's an event based system, it can't go further back in time before that.

titleMy profit is much higher than in reality.  What should I change?

Make sure that you configure all of your expenses as shown in the document above.  Once you configure an expense it will effect go forward data collection, but nothing historical that has already been collected.
