getItemsForCatalogGroup - Checkout API Method

getItemsForCatalogGroup - Checkout API Method

Method Signature

ItemsResult getItemsForCatalogGroup(url);


Queries the catalog for a given url, locates the mapped Catalog Group (if any), and returns back all items assigned to that Catalog Group. This method is mostly used to display a list of products available to a particular page (url).


url - the full url of the desired catalog group. (see discussion below)


ItemsResult object. This object contains two properties: error and items. If there are no items, examine the error string for a reason. This is a system message. Do not display this message to a customer. It has value during development to indicate a potential misconfiguration or invalid url. If there are no items and error is absent, then everything was okay, but there were no items assigned to the associated Catalog Group. You'll probably want to see some. See the Item Assignment page for instructions.

Since: Version 2.0.1, June 2011

There is an html page attached to this page that is a stand alone working example. You'll need the download the required js libraries (jQuery, jquery-json, etc), as well as ensuring your relay script is installed if you wish to run this from your own webserver.

Below is the javascript that makes the remote call:

      // normally, you would NOT put the entire initialization of the cart within an 'onclick' method.  But, in order
      // to illustrate the bare bones, yet complete, code needed to make this remote call, it's all going here together.
      function fetch(){

        var someMerchant = jQuery('#merchantId').val();
        var url = jQuery('#url').val();

        var merchantCartConfig =
          merchantId: someMerchant,
          isCheckoutPage: false, // speeds up things.  only set to true if you're displaying all the checkout fields (shipping, credit cards, etc.)
          checkoutSite: 'secure.ultracart.com', // not needed for a non-checkout page, but good practice to supply.
          remoteApiUrl: 'http://www.mystore.com/proxy.php', // this is important.  If you don't know what to put here, search docs.ultracart.com for 'Relay Script'
          debugMode: true,
          verboseAjax: true

        var itemsResult = ultraCart.getItemsForCatalogGroup(url);

        var errDiv = jQuery('#errorString');
        var compareLinkDiv = jQuery('#compareLink');
        var itemsDiv = jQuery('#items');

          errDiv.html('ItemResult.error: the result for the remote call was null. this is bad. check your browser console for more information.');

        errDiv.html('ItemResult.error: ' + itemsResult.error);

          var html = '<pre>ITEMS\n';
          for(var i = 0; i < itemsResult.items.length; i++){
            html += "ITEM " + i + "\n";
            var item = itemsResult.items[i];
            for (var prop in item) {
              if (item.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
                html += prop + ":" + jQuery.toJSON(item[prop]) + "\n";

            html += "<hr />\n\n";

          html += '<\/pre>';
          compareLinkDiv.html("Compare the results! &rarr; <a href='" + url + "'>" + url + "</a><br />");
