Preparing to Export from UltraCart

The export for UPS WorldShip is slightly different from a typical export because of the way the UPS WorldShip software import works. First create a directory on the computer called "c:\upsimport" from the command line or Windows Explorer.
Next log into UltraCart and go to the Shipping Department.
Main Menu ï‚® Order Management ï‚® Departments ï‚® Shipping
Set the view via the change view menu to "combined" and click the "change view" button. All orders will be listed together and a "Select All" box will appear at the top of the list. Click the "Select All" checkbox. Finally click the "Export UPS WorldShip" button. The web browser will prompt to save a file called "import.csv". Make sure the file is saved to "c:\upsimport" as "import.csv". UltraCart will only export orders that are being shipped via UPS even though all the orders are selected. Follow the directions below to configure the import map and actually import the file into the UPS WorldShip software. After you have completed this configuration, you need only perform the final step to import subsequent export files.