Configuring CartRover


The CartRover team is dedicated to making efficient, simple, and cost-effective ecommerce integrations, that automate and streamline your ecommerce order processing.

Integration Details

Supported functions:

  • Order Download

  • Inventory Sync

  • Shipment Confirmation

Required Parameters

  • Server URL

  • Login

  • Password


Below are the steps to integrate CartRover with your UltraCart Account. We will configure the file exchange format and then configure the shipping distribution center to transmit the order data to cart rover.

Set Up XML Format

Log into your UltraCart Account, then navigate:
MAIN MENU → Configuration → (Configuration Menu) Order Management → Exporting Orders
Next, click the ‘new’ button then name the export mapping ‘Cart Rover XML’ and then select the radio button for 'XML (validated against DTD)' for the Export File Format, then save the changes:

Configuring the Shipping Distribution Center transmission mechanism

MAIN MENU → Configuration → (Configuration Menu) Checkout → Shipping → Distribution Centers

  1. Click either ‘edit’ button (or the 'new’ button if creating a new distribution center)

  2. Configure the Distribution Center tab with the address of the shipping fulfillment location, as this is used as the origination address for the shipping calculations:


Configuring FTP credentials

Next we will configure the FTP credentials for the transmission of the fulfillment data.

MAIN MENU → Configuration → (Configuration Menu) Checkout → Shipping → Distribution Centers → Transmission Mechanism

Select the radio button for ‘FTP’
Then select the ‘Cart Rover XML' from the ‘Export Mapping’ drop-down list, and also select ‘Yes’ in the 'Bidirectional’ drop-down list:

Optional Setting
At the bottom of the Transmission Mechanism radio button list, you’ll find optional settings:

Save the changes.

FTP Credentials

Next we need to configure the FTP account credentials for the transmissions.

MAIN MENU → Configuration → (Configuration Menu) Checkout → Shipping → Distribution Centers → FTP (tab)

You’ll configure a password for the FTP connection. Make it secure!
We recommend that the password be a least 10 characters long, containing a combination of letters, numbers and special characters:

*Make note of the Server, Login and Password as these fields will be entered into CartRover to pull orders.

Only orders in the Shipping stage for the given Distribution Center will be picked up. Orders created before the distribution center was setup or selected as the default one will not be downloaded unless you move them to the correct Distribution Center.

You can view what stage your orders are in and what distribution center they were sent to from this UltraCart page:
or by navigating: Main Menu → Operations → Order Management


The remaining setup will be within CartRover.