You or your web designer can copy all the text within the red box and paste it into your web page. With just a little editing it can be turned into the appropriate and complete HTML code.
Advanced Buy Link
The Advanced buy link section helps you customize the buy links with additional parameters:
You can configure this link parameters:
- Affiliate ID
- Clear Cart
- Coupon
- Currency Code
- Custom Field 1
- Custom Field 2
- Custom Field 3
- Custom Field 4
- Custom Field 5
- Custom Field 6
- Custom Field 7
- Override Catalog URL → Assign a specific URL to the continue button on the receipt page.
- Override Continue Shopping URL → Assign a specific URL to the Continue Shopping button on the Shopping cart page.
- Quantity
- Rotating Gateway Code → Use this to override the defaulted rotating gateway traffic percentage logic to force the specified RTG path.
- Storefront host
- Upsell After Path Code → Use this to override the defaulted upsell after path traffic percentage logic to force the specified upsell path.
Info |
Note: There additional parameters that can be hand coded to the buy link URL. For more details, see: Parameters that can be passed to UCEditor |
Related Documentation
Buy Links
Parameters that can be passed to UCEditor
Using Buy Links on Third party sitesAdding item buy links to a Wix.com site