Order SFO
Method | Signature | Comments/Sample |
getAdvertistingSource | string getAdvertisingSource() | |
getBaseCurrencyCode | string getBaseCurrencyCode() | the base currency code of the merchant. useful only when doing currency conversions. rarely explicitly used in pages or emails |
getBillToDayPhone | string getBillToDayPhone() | alias getBillingDayPhone() |
getBuysafeCost | BigDecimal getBuysafeCost() | |
getBuysafeCostFormatted | string getBuysafeCostFormatted() | |
getBuysafeRefunded | BigDecimal getBuysafeRefunded() | |
getBuysafeRefundedFormatted | string getBuysafeRefundedFormatted() | |
getCcEmails | string[ ] getCcEmails() | |
getCoupons | Coupons [ ] getCoupons() | |
getComments | string[ ] getComments() | |
getDiscount | BigDecimal getDiscount() | this is the subtotal discount |
getDiscountFormatted | string getDiscountFormatted | |
getGiftCertificateAmount | BigDecimal getGiftCertificateAmount() | |
getGiftCertificateAmountFormatted | string getGiftCertificateAmountFormatted() | |
getGiftCharge | BigDecimal getGiftCharge() | |
getGiftChargeFormatted | string getGiftChargeFormatted() | |
getGiftWrapCost | BigDecimal getGiftWrapCost() | |
getGiftWrapCostFormatted | string getGiftWrapCostFormatted() | |
getGiftMessage | string[] getGiftMessage() | returns an array of the gift message. Each line of the gift message is a maximum of 80 characters long. |
| returns a csv delimited string of item descriptions |
| returns a csv delimited string of item ids |
getItemIdsAsJson | string getItemIdsAsJson() | returns a json array of item ids. very useful if you need the cart item ids in a javascript array. |
| returns a csv delimited string of item quantities |
getShippingHandlingDiscount | BigDecimal getShippingHandlingDiscount() | |
getShippingHandlingDiscountFormatted | string getShippingHandlingDiscountFormatted() | |
getShippingHandling | BigDecimal getShippingHandling() | |
getShippingHandlingFormatted | string getShippingHandlingFormatted() | |
getShippingHandlingRefunded | BigDecimal getShippingHandlingRefunded() | |
getShippingHandlingRefundedFormatted | string getShippingHandlingRefundedFormatted() | |
getSpecialInstructions | string[ ] getSpecialInstructions() | |
getSubtotalFormatted | string getSubtotalFormatted() | |
getSubtotalBeforeDiscount | BigDecimal getSubtotalBeforeDiscount() | |
getSubtotalBeforeDiscountFormatted | string getSubtotalBeforeDiscountFormatted() | |
getTaxRate | BigDecimal getTaxRate() | |
getTaxRateFormatted | string getTaxRateFormatted() | |
getTotalFormatted | string getTotalFormatted() | |
getTotalRefunded | BigDecimal getTotalRefunded() | |
getTotalRefundedFormatted | string getTotalRefundFormatted() | |
getTrackingNumbers | string[] getTrackingNumbers() | Returns the tracking numbers that are available on the order. |
getTrackingUrl | string getTrackingUrl(string trackingNumber) | Returns the URL that the customer can click to track the given tracking number. Use this in a loop of getTrackingNumbers to output tracking information for the customer on the shipment notification. |
getUnshippedItems | Item[] getUnshippedItems() | Returns the items that have not been shipped on the order. Useful in the shipment notification email. |
| itemIds is a csv string of item ids |
isContainsDigitalDelivery | boolean isContainsDigitalDelivery() | |
isContainsPreorder | boolean isContainsPreorder() | |
isDeclined | boolean isDeclined() | if true, payment was declined. a more thorough check for a good payment is isPaymentProcessed. If that boolean is true, then successful payment has been made. Otherwise, payment is pending or declined. See isPaymentProcessed for a good example of how to show a warning to a customer that payment was not successful. this property is most useful from within the customer portal |
isGift | boolean isGift() | |
isHasDiscount | boolean isHasDiscount() | |
isHasRefund | boolean isHasRefund() | |
isHidePaymentInformation | boolean isHidePaymentInformation() | this will be true if cost was zero AND gift certificates were used |
isInShipping | boolean isInShipping() | true if the order is in the shipping department |
isLiftGate | boolean isLiftGate() | true if the customer has requested a lift gate for a heavy delivery |
isNeedShipping | boolean isNeedShipping() | |
isPaymentProcessed | boolean isPaymentProcessed() | true if the customer has finalized payment. this is a very important method if you are embedded download links or codes within your receipt using the this method should always wrap those calls to ensure a customer with declined payment does not receive digital goods. #if($order.isPaymentProcessed()) #if($order.isPurchased('ItemA') Here is your download code: ABCDEFG #end #else There was a problem verifying your payment information, please contact our customer support. Thank you. #end |
| Checks to see if any of the items on the order were located in the specified folderPath. The folderPath should start and end with / to make sure it's a complete item management folder path. The includeSubFolders parameter is optional and will default to false. |
isRefundPresent | boolean isRefundPresent() | true if some form of refund is present in the order. this is useful for deciding whether to show refund line items or summary items useful for customer portal |
isRejected | boolean isRejected() | true if order was rejected (either automatically by fraud rules or manually by merchant)' useful for customer portal |
isSaturdayDelivery | boolean isSaturdayDelivery() | |
isShipmentComplete | boolean isShipmentComplete() | Returns true once the order is completely shipped and moved to the completed orders stage. |
isShipToResidential | boolean isShipToResidential() | |
isShowBuysafe | boolean isShowBuysafe() | Returns true if the order is bonded with buySAFE. |
isShowCurrencyWarning | boolean isShowCurrencyWarning() | true if $order.getCurrencyWarning() should be shown somewhere on the page/email. |
isTaxGiftCharge | boolean isTaxGiftCharge() | true if the merchant is collecting tax on gift charges |
isTaxGiftWrap | boolean isTaxGiftWrap() | true if the merchant is collecting tax on gift wrap |
isTaxShipping | boolean isTaxShipping() | true if the merchant is collecting tax on shipping |
isUnreviewedItems | boolean isUnreviewedItems() | true if one or more items has not been reviewed by the purchasing customer. This property is only available within the MyAccount customer portal. It is never available on receipt pages/emails or other forms of communication. |
isVoided | boolean isVoided() | true if the order has been voided (useful for customer portal) |
| this actually updates the order |
| this actually updates the order |
| this actually updates the order |
| this actually updates the order |
| this actually updates the order |
| this actually updates the order |
| this actually updates the order |