Sample Logic Code Blocks

This velocity code is for Auto Responder Logic blocks. The $customer object is not available in email notification templates such as receipts.


If this customer has placed an order before, execute the 'Existing Customer' step otherwise, execute the 'New Customer' step.

#if($customer.orders.size() > 0)
    #set($result = 'Existing Customer')
    #set($result = 'New Customer')

Check all of the customers orders. if they have ordered the key product, send the 'Upsell' email.  If they have ordered other product, send them a 10% off coupon. If they have never ordered, send them a 20% off coupon.

#set($found_key_product = false)
#if($customer.orders.size() > 0)
    #foreach($order in $customer.orders)
        #foreach($item in $order.items)
            #if($item.itemId = 'TSHIRT')
                $set($found_key_product = true)
        #set($result = 'Upsell')
    #else ## customer has ordered, but not a key product. offer 10% coupon
        #set($result = '10% Off Coupon')
#else ## customer has not ordered. offer 20% coupont
    #set($result = '20% Off Coupon') 