This tutorial will walk you through the process of upgrading your PayPal integration to the latest generation.
Improved checkout experience for customers using a modal instead of a browser redirect.
Improved analytics tracking because customers are not redirected off domain for PayPal.
Additional payment options for customers including PayPal PayLater and Venmo
Dual Vaulted payment information for credit cards, PayPal, and Venmo.
Superior subscription rebilling initiated from UltraCart
Ability to adjust anything on an auto order paid for with PayPal.
This tutorial assumes that you already have:
UltraCart account connected to PayPal
Using a StoreFront Visual Builder based theme for your checkout. We recommend making sure your theme is updated to the latest available version. Supported themes are:
Elements - 2.13+
Hero - 1.17+
Jewel - 1.13+
Lifty - 1.15+
Native - 1.12+
Natural VB - 1.12+
Poppy - 1.03+
Contacted UltraCart Support to enable the upgrade process for you. This is required while we are in limited roll out.
Payment Configuration
Navigate to Configuration → Checkout → Payments. The payment configuration screen should look like the screenshot shown below. Click on the Upgrade button to begin the connection process.
The next screen will prompt you about connecting UltraCart to your PayPal account. Enter in your PayPal email address and country then click Continue as shown below.
Now you will be prompted to login to your PayPal account.