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This page describes how to create a Facebook page with your store content. If you want to add social media buttons to your catalog, please visit our social media integration documentation for step-by-step instructions.

Table of Contents


UltraCart provides a facebook app that displays product on your fan pages. You control what product is displayed, and how that product is organized. The page provides links to your product pages and a means of 'Adding to Cart'.


Q. Is there a way to make my UltraCart store app authenticated so I can use it as the default page.
A. Yes. Get 10,000 'likes'. (sad)

Q: Can I host my entire store via this Facebook store integration?
A: Possibly, if your merchant count is low (dozen or less), then you can list all your items. However, if you have a larger item count storefront, you'll want to list your most popular/relevant products for display in the facebook store and lead then to your primary store front for the rest of the items. The primary purpose of the facebook store is to get people to visit your store more so than to be the entire store itself.

Creating an Online Store for your fan page.


The screen looks like this:

Page Configuration




Page ID


The unique Facebook ID for your fan page. This should be filled in for you if you followed a link from Facebook to the configuration page.


Page Name


Any text you desire. This is for your internal use only to help you know which page is which within the UltraCart Facebook configuration section

My Product's Fan Page



Any html you wish to appear on the page. This html appears in the body tag above the product listing.

<img src='mylogo'><h1>My Store!</h1>



Any html you wish to appear on the page. This html appears in the body tag below the product listing.

<strong>Order today!</strong>, etc..



Select a template. They determine how your product is displayed on the page.

3 column layout / 80x80 thumbnails

Item IDs


You must provide either 1) a list of items or 2) an item folder. For items, enter them one per line in the text field.

Item Folder


If you wish to use an Item Folder to contain your items, select it from the list


The Final Result

Here's an awesome example.