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Table of Contents

titleIntegration Status

Google Shopping Channel Partner Integration is currently in Beta as of Oct 20, 2021. Merchant's should test thoroughly.

Please make sure to send feedback to

Integrating Google Shopping as a Channel Partner

This integration will import orders placed on Google Shopping into your UltraCart account. Updates are pushed back up to Google Shopping for shipped orders, including tracking information.

Please note: This integration does not perform product listing.  This is accomplished via Google Product Search. Product search pushes product up to Google, this integration pulls down orders from Google.   They are separate integrations and configurations to allow for stand-alone search use.


Main Menu → Configuration → Integration (tab) → Channel Partners (group) → Google Shopping (Beta)

Integration Steps

Adding Buy on Google

Within Google Merchant Center you will need to enable the "Buy on Google" functionality.  On the left hand menu, click on Growth → Manage Programs.



Wait for approval buy Google before continuing this tutorial.  Credentials will not function until your account is approved for Buy on Google.

Providing your Google Merchant Credentials

You must provide your Merchant ID and Google Shopping API Key JSON to connect to Google Shopping.


Code Block
  "type": "service_account",
  "project_id": "merchant-center-1628507557537",
  "private_key_id": "76b628ac1a786c87124355d76789e3a39c4b29e9",
  "private_key": "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----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\nGoYU5JHz4YviMNSkybkZHlNo\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n",
  "client_email": "",
  "client_id": "109173674408842143232",
  "auth_uri": "",
  "token_uri": "",
  "auth_provider_x509_cert_url": "",
  "client_x509_cert_url": ""

Finding your Google Merchant Credentials

  1. Login to Google Merchant Services.
  2. The Merchant ID is at the top right of your screen.
  3. The API Key JSON is created with the following steps:
    1. Click the Gear icon at the top right of your Google Merchant Center.
    2. Click Content API.
    3. Click the Authentication tab.  It is at the left of your screen below the Google logo.
    4. Click the round + button.
    5. Google Merchant Center will generate a content-api-key.json file for you.  Save this file to a secure location. 
    6. Open the file with Notepad, select the entire contents. 
    7. Paste those contents directly into the text area on the UltraCart screen.

Shipping Method Mapping

Next, specify how UltraCart should map the Google shipping method names to your UltraCart store. UltraCart will perform a shipping method calculation based upon the methods you select below to find the lowest cost method. For example, if you select three available shipping methods for standard, UltraCart will calculate which of these methods is available for each Google order and select the method that has the top priority.  If none of the top priority methods are available, then the least expensive method from the remaining choices is used. Your preferred method should have a priority of one, then two, etc.

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Frequently Asked Questions

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