API Access

API Access

(Express Checkout or Website Payments Pro)
API literally means "application program interface", a set of routines, protocols, and tools for building software applications. UltraCart is fully integrated with PayPal and in order for UltraCart to gain access to PayPal functionality, you will need to apply for and obtain API Credentials (signature) which authorizes us to access your account on your behalf).

In the Request API credentials window, click on the "Set up PayPal API credentials and permissions" link.
Note: if that window doesn't appear or, if you are just logging in to obtain credentials, go to "My Account" screen and click on the "Profile" sub-tab and then click on the API Access link. That will take you to the Setting up PayPal API Credentials and permissions screen.

In the Set up PayPal API credentials and permissions" window, select "Request API Credentials".

On the Request API Credentials page, click the radio button next to API Signature and then click the Agree and Submit button at the bottom.

You will then be taken to the "The View or Remove API Signature*"* screen which displays your API credentials.

We recommend you "copy and paste" this information to a document file and save to your system. You'll need this information later when you configure PayPal within your UltraCart account.

Click on the "Done" button. You'll then be taken to the following screen.

You can return to this screen at PayPal at anytime to view your Credentials.