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When an affiliate sends traffic to your web site there are two methods by which UltraCart can track and attribute the traffic to the affiliate without having to bounce them through an UltraCart URL first. For instance if I'm running a review site for hair loss supplements and I recommend XYZ product then the link that takes the customer to the other website would have no parameters that concern the customer. For this to work though the merchant must deploy the invisible link tracking script to their website. The tracking script is located under:


Main Menu Affiliate Management Merchant Links

The tracking script HTML snippet looks like this:


The only difference is that the merchant ID would be your own merchant ID instead of demo. This script should be placed at the bottom of the HTML page for any landing page that will receive traffic. We recommend placing it right before the close body tag on the page.


Do not attempt to put async="true" or async="async" on the script tag.  This script does a document.writeln which is incompatible with asynchronous JavaScript.  If you attempt to do this the track back call to UltraCart will never fire off.


Using FireBug to Test

After we have placed the tracking script on our site it is a good idea to test it. To do this we recommend using the FireBug plugin for Mozilla FireFox. This plugin allows you to quickly see all the traffic between the browser and the server along with the request/response headers and cookies. If you haven't already installed FireFox go to:
