Versions Compared


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  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


FormatVelocity Code*Example OutputHTML ElementsComments

this can be inside your #if($hasVariations) or outside. It's just a class name, and won't hurt anything if it's not used.

If present, the form submit will be bound to a validation routine that will alert the user of empty fields and cancel the submit.

class="uc-variation-label-0-SHIRT"any element used for a label, such as td or spanYou might wonder why the variation index is used instead of the variation name, because the name would reach better. The answer is because the index is safe. It's just a number. Some UltraCart merchant have strange variation names containing unsafe characters in them. So, we use the index to reduce the risk of breaking a page.

*The velocity code above assumes that it is inside this loop:

id="uc-variation-field-0-SHIRT"select or any block element

id, not class.

if this element is a select, then the scripts will populate its options.

if this element has the class uc-variation-container, then the script will check for radio buttons containing the class uc-variation-radio and manage those.

At the end of this page is an example of using radio buttons for the 2nd of 3 variations. UltraCart doesn't recommend using radio buttons, but it's there if you need it.

*The velocity code above assumes that it is inside this loop:

Code Block
#set($hasVariations = $item.getVariations().size() > 0)
   <script type='text/javascript'>
      ucCatalogVariationsInit("$item.getMerchantItemID()", ${item.getVariationMatrix().getJavascriptItemVariationMatrix()});
   #foreach($variation in $item.getVariations())
      <!-- VARIATION CODE HERE -->


Code Block
                    #set($hasVariations = $item.getVariations().size() > 0)
                      <form action="" class=".uc-variation-form-${item.getMerchantItemID()}">
                        <input type="hidden" name="merchantId" value="2892A"/>
                        <input type="hidden" name="ADD" value="${item.getMerchantItemID()}"/>
                        <script type='text/javascript'>
                          ucCatalogVariationsInit("$item.getMerchantItemID()", ${item.getVariationMatrix().getJavascriptItemVariationMatrix()});
                          #foreach($variation in $item.getVariations())
                                    class='uc-variation-label-${velocityCount}-${item.getMerchantItemID()}'><!-- label will display here --></span>
                              <td><input type='hidden' name="VariationName${velocityCount}" value="${variation.getName()}"/>
                                <select name="VariationValue${velocityCount}"
						<div class="uc-variation-cost-${item.getMerchantItemID()}"><!-- cost will display here --></div>
                        <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Add to Cart"/>
                      #if($item.getAvailableQuantity() > 0)
                        <form action="">
                          <input type="hidden" name="merchantId" value="2892A"/>
                          <input type="hidden" name="ADD" value="$item.getMerchantItemID()"/>
                          #foreach($option in $item.getOptions())
                            <input type='hidden' name='OptionName$velocityCount' value='${option.getName()}'/>
                                            <select name='OptionValue$velocityCount'>
                            #foreach($optionValue in $option.getDropDownValues())
                          <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Add to Cart"/>
                        <em>Out of Stock</em>


Here's an example of an item with three variations that makes use of uc-variation-container and uc-variation-radio classes to use radio buttons instead of variations.  Notice that you must provide all the values for the radio buttons.  The variation script only handles the enabling/disabling of the radio buttons based on availability of product.  Our experience has shown that there's just too much surrounding custom html with radio buttons for us to provide a generic means of generating radio button values.


Code Block
  <form               <tr>
      action="/cgi-bin/UCEditor" class='uc-variation-form-${item.getMerchantItemID()}'>
        <input type="hidden" name="merchantId" value="DEMO"/>
        <input type="hidden"  <td>name="ADD" value="$item.getMerchantItemID()"/>

    #set($hasVariations          = $item.getVariations().size() > 0)

    <script type='text/javascript'>
    <span  ucCatalogVariationsInit("$item.getMerchantItemID()", ${item.getVariationMatrix().getJavascriptItemVariationMatrix()});
    <div class="four columns omega">
         <div class="order-box">
        <div  class='"uc-variation-labelcost-${velocityCount}-${item.getMerchantItemID()}'><!-- label will display here --></span>"></div>
        <label id="supply">
          <!-- the following naming assumes that the day supply is the first variation (and </td>the name of the variation is "Select") -->
          <input type='hidden' name='VariationName1' value='Select'/>
         <td><input type='hidden'<select name="VariationName${velocityCount}VariationValue1" valueid="uc-variation-field-1-${variationitem.getNamegetMerchantItemID()}"></>
        <label id="bottle">
          <span>Number <select name="VariationValue${velocityCount}"of Bottles</span>
          <select name="quantity">
            <option value="1">1</option>
            <option  id="uc-variation-field-${velocityCount}-${item.getMerchantItemID()}"></select>value="10">10</option>
            <option value="100">100</option>
                </td><option value="1000">1000</option>
                 <option value="10000">100000</option>
        <!-- when using a div as a variation field, #endall radio buttons     within with uc-variation-radio class are assumed to be variation options -->
       </table> 						<div classid="'uc-variation-field-cost2-${item.getMerchantItemID()}"><!-- cost will display here --></div>
         ' class='uc-variation-container'>
              <input type="submit"'hidden' name="submit"'VariationName2' value="Add to Cart"'Delivery Type'/>
          <div class="radio-entry">
            <input  </form>
  type="radio" name="VariationValue2" class='uc-variation-radio' value="One-Time Purchase"/>
            <span class="label">One-Time Purchase</span>
  #else        </div>
          <div    #if($item.getAvailableQuantity() > 0)id="radio-easy-ship" class="radio-entry">
                         <form action="">
       <input type="radio" name="VariationValue2" class='uc-variation-radio' value="Easy Ship"/>
			<span class="label">Easy Ship <img src="$baseUrl/images/product-easy-ship.png" width="30"/></span>
       <input type="hidden" name="merchantId" value="2892A"/> </div>
          Save       <input type="hidden" name="ADD" value="$item.getMerchantItemID()"/>
 10% and get FREE S&amp;H
          <label id="delivery">
            #foreach($option<span>Select in $item.getOptions())Delivery Schedule</span>
            <input type="hidden" name="VariationName3" value="Delivery Schedule" />
           <input type='hidden'<select name='OptionName$velocityCount' value='${option.getName()}'/>"VariationValue3" id="uc-variation-field-3-${item.getMerchantItemID()}"></select>
         ##$option.getLabel()<div class="center">
          <button type="button" id="add-to-cart">
            <span class="cart-left">Add to Cart</span>
                <select name='OptionValue$velocityCount'><span class="cart-right">&raquo;</span>
 #foreach($optionValue in $option.getDropDownValues())
    #else ## if-no-variations
          <div class="four columns omega">
      <div class="order-box">
   <option>$optionValue</option>     $item.getCost()<br />
        <label id="bottle">
          <span>Number of #endBottles</span>
          <select name="quantity">
              </select><option value="1">1</option>
            <option value="10">10</option>
<option value="100">100</option>
            <option value="1000">1000</option>
           <input type="submit" name="submit" <option value="Add to Cart10000">100000</>option>
  </form>      <div class="center">
          <button type="button" id="add-to-cart">
  #else          <span class="cart-left">Add to Cart</span>
           <em>Out of Stock</em><span class="cart-right">&raquo;</span>
 #end     </div>
