Flow - Preshipment notice via SMS

Flow - Preshipment notice via SMS


The following configuration would allow you to setup a flow that would trigger an SMS message when a customer has an Auto Order with a preshipment notice. The customer will still receive the email notification and will only receive the SMS if they have opted in to receive SMS messages.

Step 1. Twilio

A Twilio account is required in order to send SMS message. You can configure Twilio within:

Storefronts > Communications > Settings

Once you have your Twilio account configured, you can now setup flows with SMS messages.

Step 2. Create the Flow

Once you have Twilio configured simply navigate to:

Storefronts > Communications > Flows

Within Flows we want to create a new Flow with a Trigger of “When an auto order has a pre-shipment notice”. You will also need to set a From Friendly Name and Sending domain even though we are not seeing any emails with this particular flow.

Once we have the Flow and Trigger set, we can then add in the steps we would like to flow to take.

Step 3. Creating a Step within the Flow

To create a new step simply click on the + icon as shown below.

This will prompt the Step model to display where you can select the step you would like to add, in this case we are adding a “Send SMS” step.

You could also add a delay step if you wanted the standard preshiment email to be sent first and then have the SMS sent a few days later.

For this example however we are just going to send the SMS message.

Once the step has been added, you can edit the step by clicking the … to expand the menu and select Edit

Step 4. SMS Content

Within the editor you can Add a Name and Info to the flow step, this is a display only and is not displayed to the customer.

Here you will want to set the Message Content to customize the message you would like the customer to receive via SMS. You can also use the Tags to the right. Simply select the tag you would like to use from the Drop down list and click the + icon to add that tag into the message.

This allows you to pass things like the customer name, the Item on the next order, the items description and so on.


Once you have customized the Content, Simply click Save Step. Once you have all the Steps and Content you would like simply click the View & Activate button.