Wicked Reports


Wicked Reports is a platform that focuses on marketing attribution. UltraCart has a direct integration with Wicked Report’s API to send data over to their system.

You can learn more about their service at https://www.wickedreports.com/


To configure the Wicked Reports integration go to Configuration → Integrations → Wicked Reports. The configuration on the UltraCart side is simple and only requires an API key.

What Data is Transmitted?

UltraCart makes four different types of transmissions to Wicked Reports for Order, Order Item, Contact and Refunds. All of the transmission are logged in our Integration Logs system and tied to the order for transparency.


  • Order

    • SourceSystem = UltraCart

    • SourceId = UltraCart’s Order ID

    • CreateDate

    • ContactEmail

    • ContactId = Order Email

    • OrderTotal

    • Country

    • City

    • State

    • Subscription Id = Auto Order Code

    • IP_Address

    • OrderPayments

      • PaymentDate

      • Amount

      • Status = APPROVED/FAILED

  • Order Item

    • SourceSystem = UltraCart

    • SourceID = Item ID

    • OrderID = UltraCart Order ID

    • Product ID = Item ID

    • Qty

    • PPU = Item unit cost with discount

  • Contact

    • SourceSystem = UltraCart

    • SourceID = Email

    • CreateDate

    • Email

    • FirstName

    • LastName

    • City

    • State

    • Country

    • IP_Address

  • Refunds

    • SourceSystem = UltraCart

    • OrderID = UltraCart Order ID

    • PaymentDate = Refund date

    • Amount = The amount refunded