How to setup and manage engagement triggers

How to setup and manage engagement triggers

Engagement triggers cause the chat to automatically interact with the customer under certain conditions on your StoreFront. Engaging the customer can lead to a higher interaction rate. To create an engagement click Settings → Engagements → Add Engagement as shown below.

For each engagement the minimum configuration is:

  • Active

  • Engagement Name - this is just something to help you internally identify the engagement

  • Customer Greeting - the text that will display to the customer.

  • Queue - which queues do you want this engagement to fire for.

  • Visitor type - all visitors, new visitors or returning visitors

  • Time on page greater than - how many seconds they have to be on the page before the engagement fires.

You can make the engagement trigger configuration more complex by clicking on the blue “And” button. This will add another rule to the trigger. The different types of rules are:

  • Current Page URL

  • Any Page From Session

  • Customer's Browsing Time

  • Customer's Location

  • Number of Viewed Pages

  • Referring Website Address

You can combine rules to increase the complexity by clicking the “And” or “Or” buttons. Only the first engagement that the customer qualifies for will end up firing on the StoreFront.

Below is an example of what the webchat engagement will look like when it fires.

When a customer replies to the engagement the conversations with the agent will automatically start as long as the agent has not reached their maximum number of concurrent chats. If the agent is currently talking to the maximum number of customers they are configured for, the customer will go into the queue and wait for the next available agent to become available.


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