Ledger Entry

Ledger Entry


Use the manual "Ledger Entry" when your want to give an affiliate credit for a customers purchase that didn't come through via an affiliate's link (email, phone, etc.).


Click on the "Manual Ledger Entry" button and you will be taken to the Manual Ledger Transaction screen.

View of the Manual Ledger Entry editor:


Enter the transaction amount and any memo you want to associate with this entry.\

You can also use this feature to back out a transaction in the case of a refund. Simply enter a negative amount into the "transaction Amount" field,

The Associated UltraCart Order ID field will show, in the drop down list, all the un-finalized (recorded as paid) transactions associated with this affiliate.
If you were backing out a transaction in the case of a refund, you would select the Order ID for this ledger transaction. This would attach the negative amount to the affiliate's original transaction (order).
Finally you will set the transaction state from the drop-down list to Approved, Paid, Pending, or Rejected.
Click on the "Save Ledger Entry" button when finished.

You will be taken back to the Affiliate page, with a message at the top of the screen that the Ledger Entry was created.

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