snip_help-text - UltraTrains

snip_help-text - UltraTrains

  <div class="admin">
    <h2>Merchant Logged In</h2>
      <p>Welcome to the logged in version of your website. 
      There are many editing functions that can be performed right here from your website, 
      but there is one important note before trying any of them: Due to security implications, 
      and browser issues, <strong>you can only do the following tasks using Firefox.&trade;</strong>. 
      You <strong>cannot</strong> edit your website from this admin interface using Internet Explorer 
      or other browsers.</p>
      <h3>Basic editing:</h3>
        <p>To perform editing, when using Firefox&trade;, simply press CTRL + SHIFT + V. 
        This will open up the admin panel. You'll also notice certain elements within, 
        and outside of the admin panel will be highlighted in yellow. If you click any of these, 
        a popup window will show up with an editing box for the field you clicked. You can simply type text 
        into the field and click "Save". This will update the information in the back-end of Ultracart just 
        as you'd expect. It's important to refresh your page after doing edits. This will clear things up 
        in your browser to make everything run smoother. Go ahead and give it a try.</p>