Importing a UPS WorldShip Export File

Importing a UPS WorldShip Export File

Now that an export map has been defined, an actual export can take place from UPS WorldShip. From the UPS OnLine Connect menu, select "Batch Export"

Select the appropriate data range to export data from. Don't worry if too much data is exported from UPS because UltraCart will only match it to the orders that are currently in the shipping department.

The next screen will just be a confirmation of the number of records that will be exported. Click the Next button to continue with the export. After the export is performed a confirmation dialog like the one shown below will appear. The export file c:\upsimport\export.csv has been created at this point.

Now, log into UltraCart and navigate to the shipping department.

Main Menu Order Processing Shipping Department

Click on the "Import UPS WorldShip" button located at the top of the screen. The next screen will allow you to browse to the export file on your local hard drive and upload it. Click the browse button, locate the file "c:\upsimport\export.csv" and then click the upload button. The final screen in the import process will display the matches between each UPS WorldShip export record and orders in the UltraCart Shipping Department. Verify that each match is correct. If there is a mismatch, check the "Incorrect Match" box and process that order manually. If the customer should not be notified of the shipment then check the "Skip Customer Notification" box. Once the Submit button is pressed, all the orders that were matched correctly will be marked as shipped and customer notifications will be sent.

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