Sort on Availability of Items (Catalog Template Coding)

Asked via the UltraCart forums:

I am wanting to sort my items for display within a Group to have items with inventory at the beginning of the list and those that are sold out to be at the bottom of the list.

There are a number of sort functions to use within the templates based on price, itemid etc but is there a way to do it so the sold out can be at the end of the list.

Possible Solution:

  <style type='text/css'>
    *{font-family: tahoma, serif; font-size:10px;}

## get a list of all the items in the group
#set($groupItems = $group.getItems())
## create an empty list to hold the pseudo-sorted items
#set($sortedItems = [])
## create an empty hash to hold a list of those out-of-stock items
#set($outOfStock = {})

## loop through and add all the items that are in stock
#foreach($item in $groupItems)
  #if($item.getAvailableQuantity() > 0)
    IN STOCK: $item.getMerchantItemID()<br />
    #set($dummy = $sortedItems.add($item))

## second pass. loop through and add all the items that are out of stock.
## also, put their item ids in a hash for later lookup.
#foreach($item in $groupItems)
  #if($item.getAvailableQuantity() <= 0)
    OUT OF STOCK: $item.getMerchantItemID()<br />
    #set($dummy = $sortedItems.add($item))
    ## assign to dummy since 'put' returns true/false and we don't want to print that in our page.
    #set($dummy = $outOfStock.put($item.getMerchantItemID(), true))

<hr />
Below is a list of items printed out:<br />
## print out the items as you normally would.  Add a class of 'outofstock' if it is
## this class could then be used to show an out of stock background image, etc.
#foreach($item in $sortedItems)
  <span #{if}($outOfStock.containsKey($item.getMerchantItemID()))class="outofstock"#{end}>Item: $item.getDescription()</span><br />

You'll notice the use of $dummy alot. I'm using the underlying ArrayList and HashMap objects available through the Velocity Engine.
The methods like add() and put() return values like true/false, and I don't want those printing on my page.
So, I assign them to $dummy which makes them disappear down a black hole.

Question? Comments? Here's a link to this forum question where you may continue the discussion.
Forum Question