Tracking Customer as They Join a Webinar

Tracking Customer as They Join a Webinar

Tracking Customer as They Join a Webinar

This tutorial will show you how to track customers through the UltraCart affiliate system before they join a Webinar.


  1. Landing page URL is http://www.mysite.com/landing.html
  2. Webinar URL is http://www.mywebinarprovider.com?id=12345
  3. Affiliate ID to track under is 9876 (replace with the actual affiliate ID that your tracking)
  4. Replace the merchant ID DEMO with your actual merchant ID

On the landing page we are going to place a link to "Join the Webinar". The actual destination for this link is going to be the UltraCart UCEditor URL with the affiliate ID specified and then an immediate redirect to the webinar. Since the webinar URL is going to end up being a parameter on the UCEditor we need to URL encode it first. This site makes it easy to URL encode something


So the URL http://www.mywebinarprovider.com?id=12345 is encoded using the tool located at the URL. The screen shots below demonstrate the encoding.

The final encoded value is:


once we have encoded it. Now we just need to take our standard view cart link:


append the affiliate ID parameter


and then append the SendToUrl parameter to cause a redirect


This final URL is the one that we would place on the landing page for the customer to click to join the webinar.