This tutorial will guide you through the process of setting up a distribution center to ship on-demand printed books with


Before you begin this tutorial, signup for an account at

Within the account you will need to obtain your API credentials as shown below.

Configure a Distribution Center

Within UltraCart navigate to Configuration → Checkout → Shipping → Distribution Centers

Create a new distribution center. We recommend using “LULU” for the code, using your warehouse address as the from address (Lulu doesn’t publish it), and then configuring the transmission mechanism as with the credentials above.

Configure an Item

Within the item editor, click on Shipping → Lulu.

Configure the URL for your cover and interior. Lulu seems to like URLs off dropbox for public access to the documents. Note that if you use that strategy for files that you put ?dl=1&raw=1 so Dropbox just serves up the file to Lulu.

The POD Package ID is the string the tells Lulu everything about how to print the book. A link to their full spreadsheet of how to calculate this value is here