
The Affiliate Management tool provides a system for paying commissions to affiliates that bring sales to you. An affiliate system can be very simple or more complex, depending on various factors including the number of commissions groups (the defined commission rates for sales) and the number of affiliate tiers (whether or not the affiliates can recruit other affiliate under them), so you should give those factors due consideration as you're getting started with the setup and management of your affiliate management program.

Getting Started

When you first navigate to the Affiliate Management program area:


Home Advanced (pop out menu) Affiliate Management


Upon the first visit to the Affiliate Management area, you'll be presented with an agreement that you'll need to agree to  in order to proceed to the Affiliate Management configuration and management tabs.

After accepting the agreement you'll be presented with the Affiliate Management area, which is comprised of 8 tabs:

  1. Overview
  2. Settings (Configure the program settings)
  3. Commissions (Configure the Commission group(s) and their commission rates)
  4. Email Templates
  5. Affiliate Links (Create the link "creatives" which are starter links for the affiliates links)
  6. Merchant Links (Deploy the the signup and login links for the affiliates)
  7. Affiliates
  8. Reports
The bold tabs are the ones that you'll focus on first as you set up your affiliate program.