Static Text

If you edit a template you may be tempted to just place static text into the template.  For example you are putting in a title div into the document like this:

<div class="ucColorSubHeader">Your contact email</div>

If you enter text directly like this into the template, it will generate an i18n (internationalization) violation.  An i18n violation means there is a piece of text that the system can not automatically translate when the customer is browsing in a different language.  To get around this problem, the text is passed through the i18n system so that it can be tracked and translated.  To do this, use the $i18n object by calling $i18n.write like the example below.

<div class="ucColorSubHeader">$i18n.write("checkout.viewcart.yourContactEmailField", "Your contact email")</div>

Notice that there are two parameters on this $i18n.write call.  The first parameter is a "key" and then the second parameter is the text.  Every single write call needs to have a unique key associated with it.  The key is arbitrary, but you will typically see a three part key used by our theme developers: section.template.textIdentifier.

Multi-lingual Support

Multi-lingual support is new to StoreFronts as of April, 2016.  Here are some of the highlights of the capabilities:

Themes that support the new multi-lingual capabilities


Directions for editing a language file