
This document will show you how to change the existing text in the checkout screens.


Step 1: Go to the Languages Page

At StoreFronts click the Languages tab.  Make certain you are in the "active" StoreFront.

Step 2: Edit the Language

Click the Edit button to be taken deep into the File Manager where you'll be able to edit the checkout text in the "eng.default.json" file.


Note:  This feature is designed to give you some flexibility in changing the wording of certain text in the checkout screens.  It is NOT designed to change the language.

English is presently the only language available for editing in the StoreFront environment, however others languages are on the way. 

Step 3: Find the key for the text you wish to change

The checkout screens are listed alphabetically followed by all the fields, indented and also listed alphabetically.  The Field and the existing Field Text are separated by a Colon (:).  You will be editing only the text word or phrase to the right of the Colon that is within the quotation marks.

Example - Editing the Date of Birth field to read "D.O.B.":

     Existing:  "dateofbirthfield": "Date of birth",
     New:       "dateofbirthfield": "D.O.B.", 

The file manager editor has a built in search tool.
The keyboard commend for accessing the search tool is: Control+F & Control+G for the "find next".


Step 4: Save your changes

Once you've started editing, the Save button in the upper right corner will become active (letters turn red).  Click the Save button when finished with your edits. Click the "Return to File Manager" link or the Close button when completly finished.