The purpose of this campaign is to send out coupons every Sunday night to customers who have ordered in the past week.
Step Layout
These are the steps laid out for you. The logic steps are detailed below.
IsSundayNight? Logic
This logic step does a simple check to see if the current time is between 6 PM and Midnight on a Sunday night.
#if( $dateManager.isCurrentTimeBetween("Sun", "18:00", "Sun", "23:59")) #set( $result = 'OrderedInLast8Days?' ) #else #set( $result = 'Pause1Hour' ) #end
$logger.log($customer.orders.size()) #set( $hasOrdered = false ) #set( $sevenDaysAgo = $dateManager.currentTime()) $sevenDaysAgo.add("day", \-7) $logger.log($sevenDaysAgo.format("MM/dd/yyyy")) #foreach( $order in $customer.orders ) $logger.log($order.orderId) $logger.log($order.paymentDate.time) #if($order.paymentDate.time > $sevenDaysAgo.timeInMillis) $logger.log('order was within 8 days') #set( $hasOrdered = true ) #else $logger.log('order was NOT within 8 days') #end #end #if($customer.hasPurchasedInLastDays(8)) #set( $result = 'DidOrder' ) #else #set( $result = 'DidNotOrder' ) #end
The code block above makes liberal use of the $logger.log() function. This will print out any velocity object. This is an invaluable tool for developing logic blocks. It won't hurt to keep it in place for production runs.
Goto Logic Blocks
#set( $result = '_GOTO_:IsItSundayNight?' )
The goto blocks are nothing more than a simple GOTO directive back tot he IsItSundayNight? logic step.