Versions Compared


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Code Block

require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

// Disable SSL verification if we're having issues with this PHP install not having the proper CA installed.  Fix your CA for a production environment!
// Set debug to true if you need more information on request/response
$client = new GuzzleHttp\Client(['verify' => false, 'debug' => false]);

// Configure API key authorization: ultraCartSimpleApiKey
$config = new ultracart\v2\Configuration();
$config->setApiKey('x-ultracart-simple-key', 'YOUR KEY HERE');

$api_instance = new ultracart\v2\Apiapi\ItemApi(
    new ultracart\v2\HeaderSelector("2016-10-01")

$_limit = 200; // int | The maximum number of records to return on this one API call. (Maximum 200)
$_offset = 0; // int | Pagination of the record set.  Offset is a zero based index.
$_sort = "merchant_item_id"; // string | The sort order of the orders.  See Sorting documentation for examples of using multiple values and sorting by ascending and descending.
$_expand = "properties"; // string | The object expansion to perform on the result.

// Collect values in dictionaries and lists
$itemIdToAvalaraTaxCodeMap = array();
$itemIdToAvalaraTaxDescriptionMap = array();
$itemIds = array();

for ($_offset = 0; ; $_offset += $_limit) {
    echo 'Pulling offset ' . $_offset . PHP_EOL;
    try {
        $result = $api_instance->getItems(null, null, $_limit, $_offset, null, null, $_expand, false);

        if ($result->getSuccess()) {
            echo 'Retrieved ' . count($result->getItems()) . PHP_EOL;

            for ($i = 0; $i < count($result->getItems()); $i++) {

                $item = $result->getItems()[$i];

                array_push($itemIds, $item->getMerchantItemId());

                for ($j = 0; $j < count($item->getProperties()); $j++) {
                    $property = $item->getProperties()[$j];

                    if ($property->getName() == "avalaraTaxCodeDescription") {
                        $itemIdToAvalaraTaxDescriptionMap[$item->getMerchantItemId()] = $property->getValue();
                    if ($property->getName() == "avalaraTaxCode") {
                        $itemIdToAvalaraTaxCodeMap[$item->getMerchantItemId()] = $property->getValue();

                // Put your code here to process each of the orders that came back
                // var_dump($item);

            // Are we done?
            if (count($result->getItems()) < $_limit) {
                echo 'Finished' . PHP_EOL;
        } else {
            echo 'Failed to retrieve orders' . PHP_EOL;
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        echo 'Exception when calling ItemApi->getItems: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;

echo 'Items:' . PHP_EOL;

echo 'Tax Code Map:' . PHP_EOL;

echo 'Tax Description Map:' . PHP_EOL;
