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Comment: Migrated to Confluence 4.0


Method Signature boolean cancelAutoOrderAsCustomerByOrderId(Credentials c, String orderId);
This method will cancel the auto order associated with the item ID as if the customer had filled out the cancellation form on your website.
Parameters Credentials c - The credentials of the API user that is making the call. String orderId - The order ID to cancel the associated auto order on.
Result boolean - returns true if the auto order was successfully cancelled.


Method Signature boolean cancelAutoOrdersAsCustomerByEmail(Credentials c, String email);
Cancels all auto orders associated with the email address provided as if the customer filled out the cancellation form on your website.
Parameters Credentials c - The credentials of the API user that is making the call. String email - the email address to cancel auto orders on.
Result boolean - returns true if any auto order is canceled.


Method Signature boolean cancelOrder(Credentials c, String orderId);
Attempts to cancel the order before shipment and void/refund the customer's transaction if necessary. This method will only work with distribution centers that use transmission schedules.
Parameters Credentials c - The credentials of the API user that is making the call.String orderId - the order ID to cancel.
Result boolean - returns true if the cancellation was successful


Method Signature boolean doesOrderContainItem(Credentials c, String orderId, String itemId);
Checks to see if the specified order contains the given item Id.
Parameters Credentials c - The credentials of the API user that is making the call.String order Id - the order ID to checkString itemId - the item ID to look for on the order.
Result boolean - returns true if the order contains the specified item.


Method Signature String[] getActiveAutoOrderItemIds(Credentials c, String email);
This method will determine all the item ids that are on active auto order for a given email address..
Parameters Credentials c - The credentials of the API user that is making the call. String email - the email to check auto orders for.
Result String[] - a unique list of item ids that have active auto orders on.


Method Signature String[] getActiveAutoOrderOrderIds(Credentials c, String email);
This method will determine all the order Ids that are on active auto order for a given email address..
Parameters Credentials c - The credentials of the API user that is making the call.String email - the email address to search for auto orders on.
Result String[] - a list of all the order Ids that have active auto orders associated with them.


Method Signature boolean hasCustomerPaidFor(Credentials c, String email, String itemId);
This method will determine if a customer has paid for a particular item.
Parameters Credentials c - The credentials of the API user that is making the call.String email - the email address to search for auto orders on.String itemId - Item ID that the customer purchased
Result boolean - returns true if the customer has paid for a particular item on an order associated with their email address.


Method Signature boolean isActiveAutoOrder(Credentials c, String email);
Checks to see if there is an active auto order associated with this email address.
Parameters Credentials c - The credentials of the API user that is making the call. String email - the email address to search for an active auto order on.
Result boolean - returns true if there is an active auto order for this email address.


Method Signature PlaceSingleSignonOrderResult placeSingleSignonOrder(Credentials c, String cpSsoOid, String cpccSsoOid, String[] itemIds, int[] quantities, String screenBrandingThemeCode);
This order uses the customer profile information stored with single signon credentials to place a new order.
Parameters Credentials c - The credentials of the API user that is making the call.String cpSsoOid - the Single Signon Oid for the customer profile to associate this order with.String cpccSsoOid - The Single SIgnon Oid associated with the stored credit card to use on this new order.String[] itemIds - the item ids to add to this new[] quantities - The quantities associated with each item on the new order.String screenBrandingThemeCode - the screen branding theme code to associate with the new order.
Result PlaceSingleSignonOrderResult - All the result information associated with the call including over success, receipt text, order id and any errors when unsuccessful.


Method Signature

PlaceSingleSignonOrderResult2 placeSingleSignonOrder2(Credentials credentials, String cpSsoOid, String cpccSsoOid, String[] itemIds, int[] quantities, String screenBrandingThemeCode, decimal[] arbitraryUnitCosts);


This method is identical to placeSingleSignonOrder save for the extra parameter arbitraryUnitCosts, which allows for specifying arbitrary unit costs


credentials - the credentials of the API user that is making the call. This will include your 1) merchant id, 2) login, and 3) password


cpSsoOid - the Single Signon Oid (Object IDentifier) for the customer profile to associate this with this order


cpccSsoOid - the Single Signon Oid (Object IDentifier) associated with the stored credit card to use on this new order


itemIds - the item ids to add to this new orders


quantities - the quantities associated with each item on the new order


screenBrandingThemeCode - the screen branding theme code to associate with the new order


arbitraryUnitCosts - the arbitrary unit costs you wish to employ with this order


PlaceSingleSignonOrderResult2 - All the result information associated with the call including over success, receipt text, order id and any errors when unsuccessful.


Method Signature

PlaceSingleSignonOrderResult3 placeSingleSignonOrder3(Credentials credentials, String email, String[] itemIds, int[] quantities, String screenBrandingThemeCode);


This method is identical to placeSingleSignonOrder save for the extra parameter arbitraryUnitCosts, which allows for specifying arbitrary unit costs


credentials - the credentials of the API user that is making the call. This will include your 1) merchant id, 2) login, and 3) password


email - the email of the customer


itemIds - the item ids to add to this new orders


quantities - the quantities associated with each item on the new order


screenBrandingThemeCode - the screen branding theme code to associate with the new order


PlaceSingleSignonOrderResult3 - All the result information associated with the call including over success, receipt text, order id and any errors when unsuccessful.


Method Signature void resendReceipt(Credentials c, String orderId);
Triggers the receipt to be resent for the specified order id.
Parameters Credentials c - The credentials of the API user that is making the call. String orderId - the order ID to resend the receipt for.
Result None


Method Signature void resendShipmentConfirmation(Credentials c, String orderId);
Triggers the shipment confirmation to be resent for the specifid order id.
Parameters Credentials c - The credentials of the API user that is making the call. String orderId - the order ID to resend the shipment confirmation for.
Result None