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Settings - Affiliate Management






The terms and conditions of your affiliate program that the affiliate must agree to during the signup. If is important that you cover issues like commissions, payout terms, acceptable marketing methods, and fraud within your terms and conditions.


Welcome Letter

This is the email sent to the affiliate once their signup has been approved.


Automatically approve signups

If this is checked, all signups are automatically approved and can begin marketing your product. Merchants typically weed out bad merchants after the fact if they use this option.


Required Captcha

Requires the user to complete a word captcha on the signup (type of the letters of two words by looking at a picture). This prevents automated signups by fraudulent marketing bots. It is a good idea to enable the captcha option if you are automatically approving signups.


Storefronts Captcha Configuration

To configure the Captcha for use with a storefront configuration, navigate to the "Advanced" tab of the storefront menu:

Image Added

You'll configure the google Captcha site key and secret key here. 


If valid site and secret keys are provided, 
Google reCAPTCHA will secure the following pages:

  • Contact Us
  • Affiliate Sign up

Warning: reCAPTCHA was introduced to StoreFronts in April, 2016. Please be sure you have a recent theme version that supports reCAPTCHA, before configuring it, because if you do not, you will break the pages listed above. Please be sure to test your screens after supplying keys.


Multiple Tiers

UltraCart provides a multi-tiered affiliate systems. Not only are your affiliates rewarded for sending direct sales to your website, but they also get rewarded for encouraging sales by adding affiliates in their tier. If you decide to allow multiple tiers, you'll need to (in this section) indicate the number of tiers, whether they must be Approved Affiliates or not, establish your Multiple Tier Program Name, and create your agreement.
